Sunday, August 23, 2015

Waukesha Counties Largest Lake, Pewaukee Lake

If you are ready to tackle Pewaukee Lake you are in for a treat. This is one of many lakes in the state of Wisconsin that require multiple trips to conquer it all. The first year I got my kayak I was out on Pewaukee Lake once a week. It doesn’t hurt that I work a half mile away from the east end making it easy to go before or after work when time, weather, and daylight allow.
Pewaukee Lake has two main boat launch sites. One is right next to the old train station in the Village of Pewaukee on the north end of the beach. This is on the east end of the lake. It is labeled with a sign near the peer. It’s a nice launch site when it’s not full of people. You either have to go early in the morning before eleven or after five’o clock during the week. Weekends, depending on Village activities can be a nightmare to launch and kayak so if that is your ideal launch site for the day I would do a drive by and be prepared to launch on the other side of the lake if you’re wanting a less chaotic day. If you decide to paddle even on a busy day there is a lot to do on this end. The beach itself has two restaurants directly across the street. There are multiple bars and restaurants on this end of the lake and it makes for a great day trip. Pewaukee Lake is a very popular lake for motorized boats, Jet Ski’s, and even is home to the Pewaukee Lake Sail Club. The east end is pretty busy with boats so always be aware of your surroundings. Most of the boaters are pretty respectful of kayakers but there is the occasional boater who feels the need to provide some unnecessary wake for the kayakers.
The second launch site is on the west side of the lake in the Town of Delafield. It’s a little tricky to find. It’s on Maple Avenue approximately one and a half miles north of Golf Road. It is one of two Waukesha County Park launch sites and it’s a great facility. The yearly pass for residents is twenty-eight dollars and as long as you are launching a non-motorized craft that is the only pass you need. Plus you have access to the other County Parks and the dog parks which are equally great. This launch site has full service bathroom facilities and it’s a really a great area of the lake to paddle. There are a lot of restaurant and bar options in this area, a island with a few homes, and a small natural area.
I have only paddled around the entire thing once it. It took me about five hours. It was my very first extended solo trip. Unless I go out before work at like six in the morning I always launch from the Delafield launch. I did the full lake on a Sunday. The plan was to paddle to the Village of Pewaukee and get out a grab a snow cone or some other treat from town before heading back out to finish the other half of the lake. I got all the way to the Village and realized I left my wallet in the car 7 miles away. Needless to say I just kept going and was pretty disappointed the rest of the way. Pewaukee Lake is a huge lake it is very long from east to west approximately 5 miles if you go straight across. Kayaking doesn’t lend its self to going straight across so hugging the shoreline paddling its entirety is approximately 14 miles. Depending on the day and the area of the lake it can be really rough or like glass. On most days it’s somewhere in between and on the day you go out some areas can be harder than others and it all depends on weather conditions.
It’s a great place to paddle I have probably paddled the lake more than fifteen times. There are some great homes to look at and drool over and there is a lot of nature. It’s a fairly shallow lake and by the end of summer some areas are pretty weedy. The city does trim the weeds around the beach but beyond that it all grows naturally. You can paddle through the weeds but when it’s really dense and hard to paddle through.

Pewaukee Lake is the start of the Milwaukee areas Lake Country. It’s a great lake to take longer trips. Some of the lakes in the region are nice but can be pretty short easy paddles. Which isn’t bad when you are in a time crunch but when you want to paddle for a longer time or tackle different parts of a lake on different trips Pewaukee is the place to do it? Like any trip you plan to start do your homework. Check the weather, it is a long way back in pouring rain and storms. Decided how long you want to be out. Pack water and a snack if you plan on being out for more than two hours. Be aware that if you go out on a weekend during the day assume there is going to be a lot of boat traffic. There are many other lakes to visit and enjoy in the area. Paddle safe and enjoy your day.

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